Wednesday, March 20, 2013

where I'm writing

I haven't been blogging as much these days. It's not that life isn't still happening. It is. It's not that I don't have anything to say. I do. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to figure out just one thing to say. But I have been writing in a less-structured sort of way and thought I'd share it for anyone who's interested.

My friend Chad put up this website called Ask Two Questions. It's based on reading through the common lectionary. Every day, there is a brief passage and you're asked to think about what it's saying about God and you. (Sometimes I have a hard time teasing those two questions apart.) It's not overwhelming at all. If you don't get lost in writing like I do, it can take 5-10 minutes to prayerfully think it through. I'm a verbal processor, so it takes me awhile to "talk it out." But if you want to read where I've been writing, check it out. You are welcome to join in the discussion...or not. It has been beneficial to me, though, and if I think something's good, I'm going to share it.

I'll list out for you a few of the topics that I particularly enjoyed as way of providing a sample for you. Maybe some one of you will enjoy it as much as I do. I'm titling them by my summary of what I took from the passage on the left, followed by the site's title for the passage on the right.

My God! Is that alive?! - Treasure in Jars of Clay

That was then, this is now. - God Will Do A New Thing

Not sure even I'm controlling enough for this - Live In Love

I'll just keep that to myself - The Joy of Forgiveness

Feeling labled - Diving Mercy for Ephraim

Getting a free meal - Return to the Lord

The only thing - The Lord is My Light

Martyr 1: The Stoning of Zechariah
Martyr 2: The Stoning of Stephen

The destructive safe place - The Valley of Decision