Sunday, June 1, 2008

lions and tigers and...

This Saturday, we went to the zoo with Pat's mom and some of the extended family. It was a great time. We thought some of you might enjoy pictures of our time there.

Grandma Terri with our nephew, Ethan, and his sister, Sophie. And the bear.

Sophie and the rhino.

Pat and Israel in the African plains in the middle of Indy.

Lezlie and the bear. (Photo taken by our nephew, Dillon.)

Dillon and Pat and the giraffes, which Pat says are the strangest of animals.

Israel. This could have been him with the elephants, the lions, the zebras, or any number of other animals. He took a great nap, which was needed since we were at the zoo for six hours!

Dilllon and the emu, which actually came even closer at some point.

Yes! The walrus! This is by far the best exhibit at the zoo and you'll see why in the video that follows. Israel loved the walrus. (That's Israel standing in the middle of the picture; he is not in the video.) The exhibit was perfect for him. I can't help but wonder what he thought the walrus was...a strange, floating, ugly man with weird teeth?

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