Israel is growing SO QUICKLY! He has had another spurt of "firsts", the saddest of which was his first trip to the ER on Easter Sunday (thus no Easter pictures) due to a high fever and no doctor's offices being open. It was one of the more frustrating firsts for him, I'm sure. The days that have followed since then (including today) have been his first time of being sick. He's in good spirits about what is now only congestion, but it's been a rough ten days for us all. But neither fever nor body rash nor coughing spells nor cutting his
two top teeth can keep our busy little guy down!
He eats three meals of real food a day (loves avacados, oatmeal, and peas...) and uses the potty for real messes almost every time! He can now sit up and is learning to stand by holding onto chairs. He can even waddle around if you hold his hands! He loves to look at books, listen to music, (many thanks to Josh and Ange for singing songs that soothe him to sleep at night...) play peek-a-boo, take showers and wave his hand in the water, catch the cat's tail, laugh at the dog, and "wrestle" with his dad. (It's really just Pat laying Israel on top of his stomach and pretending Israel has him pinned down -- Israel thinks he is so tough!) Here are some pictures of what the fastest-growing McCrory is doing these days.

eating cereal...

playing after a morning shower...

getting rid of the cereal...

generally being cute...

clowning around...

...and crashing out after a bedtime snack. Goodnight!
Tooooooo cute this little one!! thanks for sharing the shots...makes me all kinds of happy to see the family at work.
using the potty... wha-? you make a mother of an almost three-year-old diaper wearer sigh. but shoot, dude, that's a CUTE kid!
he uses the potty?!
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