Wednesday, June 4, 2008

When it rains

It's been raining here the last couple of days. Pat is happy about how good it will be for the garden. We hope the plants will all be taller when it dries up and perhaps new soybeans will have sprouted.

It's been raining in all kinds of ways lately.

Our dear friend, Michelle, lost her father this past month. Two weeks later, we celebrated their coming baby with her and Josh and all kinds of friends. This past Friday night, we met their daughter, Heron, for the first time. It was a joyous occasion and I was amazed at this tiny little life and how she is healing the fresh wound of Michelle losing her father. We are dumbfounded at God's mysterious work in this situation.

Our friends Jason and Andrea, who have been hoping to adopt a little girl for several years now finally received word last weekend that they will be parents to the little girl they have longed for this September! We are all rejoicing with them, as we all have been waiting for this little girl together. God has definitely been faithful to them and to us all by bringing them through this process.

Pat's mom came in for a visit and it was wonderful to see her. We usually see her only once a year or so and this time she was able to stay with us at our house for the weekend. There were several nights of staying up late and discussing all kinds of things. There was time spent with brothers and sisters and coming to understand more fully each other's hard times. Things have been particularly disappointing with Pat's youngest brother and events culminated in his going to jail on Sunday night. We are saddened for his little son and the choices that, though not his, will affect his life for years to come. We pray and we don't know what to pray anymore.

We gathered yesterday with our brothers and sisters and sang about God's peace "when sorrows, like sea billows roll." Our community lost a precious life this weekend. Katie Joy was born to Trever and Lauren on Saturday night/Sunday morning and passed away fifteen hours later on Sunday afternoon. We have all been fearfully and hopefully anticipating her arrival and knew that, from her first breath, there would be a battle between life and death. She had many health complications, but ultimately her little lungs just weren't developed enough even to sustain her on life support. She drifted off peacefully in her parents' arms Sunday afternoon after being enjoyed by friends and family for a little while. We all are very near tears at any given moment over this loss, but we grieve as those who still possess hope and know that, for Katie, her life is pure joy, as her name means. Yesterday, we stood with Trever and Lauren as they buried their daughter. Today, we celebrate the anniversary of their marriage with them and the strength God has obviously bestowed upon their union as they worship him in these awful circumstances. No one understands. But we know and trust the one in charge and we don't need to understand.

There are so many thoughts and so few words to really tell of them all. This rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn at the same time over so many things is...well...a place where words fall short. I feel honored to be involved in both the rejoicing and the grieving. Our life and our God are complicated; trusting him is the simplest thing to do.

We hope to find all kinds of new growth whenever the rain lets up.


Praising Him! Paula said...

I will keep Pat's brother and his son in my prayers - been praying for Urban Light and families as you all do life together. Say hello to all for me! Please let Andrea and Jason know I am so excited for them! And give both your precious guys a kiss for me! I love you!! Paula

Lisa said...

Took me a while to get up to speed but I hear much to rejoice in and so much sorrow...Life is complicated and yes trusting in the Lord is the only hope...

by the by a few post down...I want you to know I would be an ent...I think I expessed that years ago when I decided to show up at the roller party as one of those beautiful talking trees..