Eden will turn seven weeks old tomorrow. It has been a great time of getting to know each other and she is really a pretty easy baby...at least in comparison to her colicky brother! (He is a wonderful toddler, though. Make no mistake.) She is doing very well. She is a spitter and was actually given a prescription for reflux last week that seems to be doing her some good. (No more waking up with a mess in her hair!) Even with that, she is gaining weight nicely and is now half again as big as she was at birth and weighs around nine pounds. She is also emerging from the newborn fog and is more alert now, which is fun. She's not quite up for the games of pat-a-cake Israel tries to play with her, but she's getting there! She also now sleeps through the night, an average of 7 hours at a time, but ranging anywhere between 6 and 8 hours. The whole family enjoys that as well as the naps she and Israel take in the afternoons, which tend to overlap for about 2 hours. Adjusting to having her around has really been pretty easy for the most part -- for all of us. She is a good deal more versatile than Israel was (some of you may recall how he liked to be swaddled excessively and to eat at exactly such-and-such a time...). She can sleep with or without her bink, on her back, side, or stomache, swaddled or not and she does not act like the world is going to end if she eats a few minutes late. She also does not wake up crying, which is a difference as well. Sometimes I go in and don't even know how long she's been happily awake! I can't quite get over how much I like her, even though I tell people I am not a baby person.
We spent this morning out on the swing listening to the spring rain together, just she and I, before Israel woke up. It's difficult to have time alone with your second child, and I don't think I'm the only one who appreciated it. I have to admit that I was jealous as she got to do one of my favorite things: fall asleep on a porch during a rain shower. I haven't done that for years, but I'm happy to give her the experience.
This Saturday, Eden got to meet our friend Sara, who was visiting from Seattle, and Misty, who was visiting from...Indiana...but who we last saw in Seattle. The visit was too short, but long enough to get a quick picture in. I can't begin to say how great it is to have people so dear to us be able to meet Eden in person. Sara (along her husband, Drew) was able to be here right after Israel was born as well and I'm glad the tradition continued, at least in part.
Here are a couple more pictures from this afternoon's photo shoot and a video, by request.

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